The Responsible Recycling (R2) Standard provides a common set of processes, safety measures and documentation requirements for businesses that repair and recycle used electronics. R2 is a standard specifically created for the electronics recycling industry by Sustainable Electronics Recycling International (SERI). SERI is the housing body and ANSI-Accredited Standards Development Organization for the R2 Standard: Responsible Recycling Practices for Use in Accredited Certifications Programs.
Choosing an R2 Certified electronics facility like A-1 Wireless Inc. gives our customers greater control of liability and risks associated to their businesses, data, and brand. We understand our responsibility towards a safer environment, and due diligence as to responsibly reuse and recycle electronic gadgets and e-waste. We affirm to make a valuable difference everyday for our World. We stand accountable for prioritizing reuse and recovery of data containing devices, evaluating our downstream vendors to ensure e-waste does not end up in landfills, and ensuring total data destruction or sanitization for peace of mind of our customers.
We understand the complex regulatory requirements for a safer healthier environment that modern businesses face. Our goal is to provide our customers with complete peace of mind by eliminating or mitigating those hazards and risks; and, driving revenue back to your business through responsible reuse and recovery.